Review d' get 2gether @ de palma cafe SACC

WHAT : family Redzwan d' get together
WHEN : 24 december 2008
WHERE : de palma cafe SACC Shah Alam
WHO : anak2, menantu2, cucu2, dan cicit2 atuk redzwan (will describe later)

What's hot....

THE FOOD - buffet style. light-light only maa... ada kue tiow goreng, fish and chip, mash potato, garden salad, karipap, fruits like tembikai, honeydew, papaya, and pudding (or should i call lengkong?) which is milk flavour and current flavour. and oh ya... thare's a cake (chocolate sponge cake) that's all i think... dun't remember much about that.

THE ENVIRONMENT - i describe it as ok. from 5 i can give 3? well... i'm to nice, isn't it? haha..

THE PEOPLE - people are really get together. getting to know each other. even there's 1 cucu atuk yg baru 1st time i jumpa!! he is uncle din's son. never meet him and his family b4 (ever!) sbb selalu clash bila balik raya... oh, ya. golongan yang paling get together malam tu adalah budak2!! haha... cucu2 atuk yang kecil (anak2 aunty vee) dengan cicit2 atuk (anak mia 2, anak adra 1, cucu uncle din 1) Juwita even got a new friend there... cucu uncle din yg umurnya around 1 year. they both attract to each other. haha... sweet.....

OVERALL - yang datang mlm tu adalah...
- maklong's family with their sons and doters...and cucu...
- uncle apis with his wife and anak dara nye...
- aunty syahid's family
- aunty nora & nen
- aunty ibah
- aunty vee with her doter and sons
- me & my family plus rauf (represent uncle halim's family- that's my father lor...)
- uncle din's son & his wife and kid. (represent uncle din's family)

THE NOT SO COOL - unfortunately, we didn't take any picture for that night!! forget to bring it!!!! sayang betul....

thats all for now. oh ya...

POINT OF VIEW - acara mcm ni mmg bagus utk di lakukan sekali sekala utk saling mengenali dan mengeratkan tali persaudaraan (cheewahh!!) next time should make it even better. A real family day maybe? 2 days 1 night vacation in selected places and its gonna be a lot of activities for all the member. that sound really interesting rite... haha... just my 2cent. Such activity need a real cooperation from all and proper management incharge to make it come true.

lastly..... i wish to you all....


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