membesar 1 inci! and my honest confessions about that

aduhai... i'm totally not in a good mood and condition right now. So tonight is the last night for everything, and the beginning for something new.

Guess what, my pinggul and my peha telah membesar 1 inci! @_@ and no, i'm not gonna step into the scales, coz thats just make me heart broken more T__T (x sanggup nak tengok!!)

and ya, i admit that, lately i...

1. just sitting infront of the laptop in my office @_@

2. not work out at all! O_O

3. always forget to do my yoga and pilates becoz always coming home late at night T__T

4. eat nasi ayam almost everyday! (selalu habiskan nasi juwita) -_-"

5. always forget to write down and revise my daily meal diary T__T

6. selalu makan diluar!!!! (bahana dapur dah tak berasap) -_-"

big BOOOOO to me!!!!! padan muka aku kan? (sedih dah marah dan tertekan giler apabila jeans, seluar slack and few other pants feels ketat di peha dan bontot..@_@")

So, tonight is the last of everything i stated above, because tomorrow am gonna start with new me. (ok. cukup dah sedih dan tertekan. terus masuk chapter baru hek!)

waka waka!!!!!!

P/S- perlu segera mendapatkan snicker/ sport shoes untuk jogging dipetang hari. Cepatlah birthday~~~ cepatlah masuk rumah baru~~~


AinSaniah said…
ko work out hari hari lame lame badan ko jadi cam Nadal !
Sherry said…
wah you measure ke.. yalah.. duduk je.. gain weight there.
hida said…
nadal? waaa! tamo tamo!!! tanak badan macam nadal!! terlalu besar terlalu berketul -_-

ya lah, i measure. coz feels ketat when i wear the jeans, so, i ambil tali tape and ukur meh... nightmare gila!
Sherry said…
hie... you not alone mine bigger than yours lol.

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